A citizen of the United States;
A legal resident of Washington State;
At least 18 years old by Election Day;
Not disqualified from voting due to a court order; and
Not under Department of Corrections supervision for a Washington felony conviction.
Voter Registration Forms
Request Absentee Ballot: Washington does not have absentee ballot as mail-in is automatically sent to all voters: https://www.sos.wa.gov/elections/faq_vote_by_mail.aspx
Mail-in Ballot: Every registered voter will receive a mail-in ballot starting at least 18 days before the election. For issues receiving the ballot, use the link above.
Election Info
ID Required: Yes
Same Day: Yes
New voter Registration: October 26 or in person
Absentee Ballot request
Request for Postal Ballot October 26
Absentee Ballot Return Ballots must be postmarked (or dropped off in person) by Nov. 3 and received by Nov. 23.