South Carolina


  • be a United States citizen

  • be at least eighteen years old on or before the next election

  • be a resident of South Carolina in the county and precinct in which you are registering

  • not be under a court order declaring you mentally incompetent

  • not be confined in any public prison resulting from a conviction of a crime

  • have never been convicted of a felony or offense against the election laws OR if previously convicted, have served the entire sentence, including probation or parole, or have received a pardon for the conviction.

Voter Registration Forms



EspaƱol (Spanish)

Request Absentee Ballot

Election Info

ID Required: Yes

Same-Day Registration: No


New Voter Online Registration: October 4

New Voter In-Person Registration: October 4

New Voter Mail Registration: October 5

Absentee Ballot request (Only if you have a reason)

By Mail Request for Postal Ballot: October 30

In-Person Request for Postal Ballot: November 2